tiistai 29. toukokuuta 2012

New nails and Moitié's ribbon!

I finally got new nails! :3 Aysha did very good job again.

The nails were painted light pink, then the tips were dipped to white glitter and the ring fingers have huge pink ribbons! These are a little shorter than the previous ones, so maybe this time I won't hit them everywhere...

Outfit of the day:

Didn't really bother with the make-up after 3 hours of sleep.

Dress: Innocent World
Blouse: Bodyline
Ribbon: Metamorphose
Socks: Chantilly
Shoes: Deary

My petticoat is showing. ò__o

I also wore Black Peace now's jacket and M&M's bag but I didn't realize to take a picture with them.

Today my order from Closet Child arrived! It's just Moitié's ribbon and a random bijou but I'm really happy I received them! They're so beautiful.

I seriously have no idea how to coordinate the ribbon. It's kind of strange shade of blue. xD

Thank you for reading this post!

sunnuntai 27. toukokuuta 2012

Carnegie Art Award 2012 and the outfit of the day

Kävin katsastamassa Amos Andersonin taidemuseon uusimman näyttelyn, joka esitteli Carnegie Art Award 2012 teoksia. Näyttelyssä oli esillä pohjoismaalaisten taiteilijoiden teoksia ja ehdottomasti vaikuttavimpana olivat palkitun Heikki Marilan kukka-asetelmat!

I went to see Amos Anderson's art museum's exhibition of Carnegie Art Award 2012. The exhibition showed Nordic pieces of art, and the most stunning of them all was Heikki Marila's flower canvases.

Flowers XXVII

Flowers XXX

Flowers XXXII

Asetelmat on siis maalattu ekspressionistisesti, joka tarkoittaa taiteilijan tunteiden kuvaamista. Tyylisuunnassa maalataan sitä mitä tuntee, ei niinkään sitä minkä näkee. Tämä seikka ei kuitenkaan ollut se vaikuttavin, vaan teokset olivat yli kaksimetrisiä!!

The canvases have been painted expressionistic, which means that the pieces give out the emotion the artist feels when painting the model. That was not the most impressive thing in the paintings though, it was that they were over 2 meters tall!

Toinen aika huikaiseva taiteilija oli Ann Edholm.

Other very stunning artist was Ann Edholm.

Tongue at the tip/At the back of silence I

Tongue at the tip/Lamentate

En normaalisti oikein välitä näin pelkistetyn graafisesta jäljestä tai näin abstraktista taiteesta yleensäkään, mutta jotain vangitsevaa hänen teoksissaan oli.

I normally don't really care about this kind of overly graphic style, or abstract art generally, but there was just something amazing in Edholm's work.

Lisää tietoa palkituista taiteilijoista löytyy täältä.

You can find more about Carnegie Art Awards here.

Vaikutuin suuresti myös Jarmo Mäkilän teoksista. Teokset olivat saaneet inspiraatiota William Goldingsin Kärpästen herra -kirjasta, ja ne olivat suorastaan karmean vaikuttavia.

I also took great liking in Jarmo Mäkilä's art. The paintings were inspired by William Golding's Lord of the flies. They were very scary!

Suden hetki

Teoksien pinta oli muuten mieletön! Todella tekstuurinen ja kolmiulotteinen. Tuo minimaalinen kärpäsen kakka joka toimii blogissani esimerkkinä alkuperäiselle teokselle ei anna minkäänlaista oikeutta Mäkilälle!

The texture was brilliant! This picture I have here is a sad excuse of an example and doesn't show any gratitude when compared to the original one!

Taidemuseossa oli myös esillä Muutosten pyörteissä -näyttely, mutta suoraan sanottuna sen maalaustaiteellinen puoli ei vedonnut minuun mitenkään. Teokset olivat, valitettavaa kyllä, tylsiä. Sen sijaan näyttelyn kuvanveistopuoli oli päättänyt vakuuttaa minut!

The museum also had other exhibition, Art in transformation. To be blunt, I didn't like the paintings it had. I found them boring. But the sculptures on the other hand were fantastic!

Kimmo Pyykkö: Peiliin kirjoitettu

Suosittelen ehdottomasti käymään näyttelyssä, etenkin katsastamassa nuo Carnegie Art Awardin teokset!

I recommend you to visit the museum if you have the change!

Vielä asukuva:

Outfit of the day:

Hyyyyvin vähällä meikillä.

With veeeery little make-up.

Bonnet: Innocent World
JSK: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
sukat/socks: Juliette & Justine
kengät/shoes: Bodyline
paita/blouse: ostettu käytettynä/second-hand

Kiitos kovasti kun luit tämän merkinnän!

Thank you very much for reading this post!

torstai 24. toukokuuta 2012

Jenlayn @ Espoo

Kävin katsomassa Espoon Kaiken kansan juhlassa Jenlaynia! Nautin kovasti kokemuksesta, bändi näyttää hyvältä ja kuulostaa mahtavalta.

I went to see Jenlayn some time ago! I really loved them! They're so stylish and their music is very cool.

Olin kohtalaisen kylmissäni, sillä konsertti oli ulkona ja päivä oli viileä. Jouduin käydä odotellessani ostamassa hansikkaat... Tapasin myös sattumalta Jenlaynia katsomaan tulleen ystäväni, joka oli oikein mukavaa, sillä luulin että joutuisin seuraamaan konserttia yksin. 

Jenlayn performed outdoors. It was kind of cold day and I was freezing a little. I even ended up buying cloves...  Luckily I met a friend of mine who also came to see Jenlayn.

Jenlayn aloitti ja veti reilun puolituntisen setin kylmästä ilmasta ja akustiikasta kovaan ääneen valittavasta papparaisesta huolimatta! Bändi oli energinen ja otti hyvin lavan haltuunsa. Yleisö oli myös mukana ja se huomioitiin hyvin. 

Jenlayn started their half-an-hour set and did great job despite cold weather. The audience really seemed to enjoy themselves.

Haluan nähdä heidät ehdottomasti uudelleenkin!

I definitely want to see them again!

keskiviikko 16. toukokuuta 2012

About music and inspiration

I really have the feeling that the main things my blog focuses on is music -related, like going on concerts and stuff, and, uh, to celebrate this fangirling I wanted to make a post that summons all my thoughts of my favourite music genres, inspirations and idols together! I hope you have the energy to read it all...
So the other day I was listening to some bands I haven't really been following for few years and started to feel quite nostalgic. Those bands have so much to do with what I am today, what I think is beautiful and how I love to dress.
I decided that it's time to introduce some songs, artists and bands that have impressed me the most and that have inspired me so much. It's thanks to them that I have found so many great people, styles, hobbies, got so many fantastic experiences... I hope that some of the not-so-known bands I listen to could become more known and even more people could hear their music and see the amazing styles that they have!
Let's start with GPKISM. GPKISM is not active at the moment, but both of the members still make music (I wonder if I should call Ryonai a member..?), Kiwamu in BLOOD and GPK does remixes/covers and is part of Flood of Rain. The first time I found out about GPKISM was in Gothic & Lolita Bible. I saw this amazing picture of GPK and I was so stunned. I listened to Synthesis and I found it very beautiful... Their music really is stunning. It makes you want to drown into it and just feel it around you. I also love the lyrics... They can be so sad and longing or passionate and fierce. And when such lyrics are combined with GPK's voice, it's just something divine. As I said, I first took notice of GPKISM when I interested of the picture I saw in G&LB. I simply am crazy about decadentic, elegant gothic style (propably Malice Mizer to blame? XD). This kind of style is the only one I really want to try and even copy. When I wear, for example, sweet lolita, I have no idol whom I'm taking inspiration from, it's just clothes that I like. But when I wear gothic clothes I almost always am thinking of some kind of source. It's a great compliment to say "Oh you really give out Kaya-like feeling" or "Wow your make-up is so much like Mana's".
From GPKISM I recommend you to listen to Ultimatus and Iudicium.
As I said, the lyrics are so lovely, see Ultimatus:
The memory of time now fading slowly
I pray each day that you would set me free
The never ending dream that you share with me
Together we shal live our fantasy

How can I leave here without you
You know that I will be here holding you
When angel whispers around you
You know that I am still here watching you
Also Iudicium:
Embrace the pain which you have suffered
I'll be there to see you fall
Enjoy the pleasure you have longed for
Won't you ask for more.

Through my everlasting slumber
I could hear your dying call
You seek the chance for your salvation
But you'll find nothing at all.

I could feel those blood rain falls down on me
Invite me into your own destiny
With me, your senses faded away from you
I see the endless dying dream, shattered

More great songs from GPKISM: Illuminatum, Angelus, Sublimis, and Barathrum.

If interested of GPK's work, see Ken's facebook and be sure to listen to these.
Flood of Rain is also something definitely worth listening to, hear Submission. It's so beautiful it almost makes me cry.
For VELVET EDEN fans, see GPK's remixes Witch on flames and BlackButterfly.
I really love to go to concerts. I love the feeling and the energy one can find from there. GOTHIKA is one band that has made an impression to me with their live performances. Few years ago, when they visited Finland, I was really hyper about them. I mean I still love GOTHIKA's music, but they should be more active! Hopefully I get to see them again some day. Also, I have to admit that I have a huge crush on Andro.

Beyond God and Evil is one of my favourite songs of all time. The death-vocaly like singing is to my like. I love GOTHIKA's genre, it's so gothic, mysterious but not too heavy. The members are so... hot. That's all there is to say. XD
Please also try Angel's Trumpet, Gusano and Elflock.
Other great live performer is of course D. Oh the energy! That band is pro. Theis style is also very unique, I can't seriously think of any other D-like band? Their themes are love, they go from ancient Japan to vampire romance. Ouka saki ni some ni keri, Yami no kuni no Alice, Follow and Yami yori kurai doukoku no a cappella to bara yori akaijounetsu no aria (for the love of all good and evil, what is wrong with that name) are just amazing songs. Please see the videos of Ouka saki ni some ni keri and Yami yori kurai blah blah blah! I love how Asagi has such a mysterious and cool look in them... Also, especially in Ouka saki ni some ni keri's look, Tsunehito is so cute!!

You know those songs that you simply have to return to, no matter how many years you have been listening to them? To start with, Schwarz Stein does this to me! do I even have to mention, New Vogue Children and Queen of Decadence?
I'm a big fan of Kaya's, even if I first was a bit shocked of some of his solo work -like Chocolate or Epicurean- because I really was used to hear Kaya's darker voice in Schwarz Stein. But eventually I fell in love with those cute and girly songs. I even made a goddamn cosplay of Chocolate. XD But to stay in gothic line, Ophelia, Rose Kingdom, Madame Rosa, Awilda! Listen to them!!
New single Vampire Requiem:

Ophelia has the most beautiful lyrics:
At night's end
The silence rolls in like the waves
And lends itself to loneliness

Memories of a night gone by

I feel I'll go mad from your scent
That lingers on the chilled sheets
You, who are too far away

Your beautiful smile
Will tear me apart
Stop laughing; My field of vision blurs
In the glistening surface of the waters
I slowly lose sight of everything

Ophelia gently sinks
To the depths of a sorrowful dream
Drowning in her overflowing tears

It's fine if it's a dream
It's fine if it's a lie

Just stay here by my side
(Now I have to ask, why is my blog so pink but my taste of music like this? XD)
So, next to the greatest, most ultimatic inspiration!! Yes, it's Malice Mizer. I seriously would pay anything to be able to go back in time and see a Merveilles -timed concert. It's just something so epic. I guess I don't really have to start introducing of what is the most amazing part of MM (Mana!) or who is the idol I'm going ridicilously fangirlish about (Mana!!) or whose style of clothes have made me a lolita (...you got the idea).
Thank you so much, Mana. I adore you.
My favourite songs from MM might be from Bara no Seidou... Kyomu nonakade no Yuugi, Shiroi, Saikai no Chi to Bara and Mayonaka nikawashita yakusoku. Now I feel like watching Bara no Konrei.
I love this live clip from Bara no Seidou so much:

From Gackt-era, Gekka no Yasokyoku, Illuminati... Well, let's say anything rom Merveilles -album. Oh and Regret!
Klaha-era, it's of course Beast of Blood and Gardenia.
Moi dix Mois is a whole new story. To be honest it's more like religion to me than a band I listen to. It's Mana's solo so the feeling and atmosphere MdM creates is very dear to me. Dialogue Symphonie was the first song I heard from them, and mind you I was kind of young back then and has only been listening to Malice Mizer's popish songs, I found it rather scary. Then I heard Night Breed... And suddenly I had bought Nocturnal Opera's limited edition CD and fallen for good. Nocturnal Romance and Monophobia woke a whole different feeling in my taste of music. I didn't even know of such music! And the pictures the CD had in it... Magnificent.
I prefer Seth as a singer of MdM and I love the current style they have, but Juka and the old-fashioned gothic elegance they had back then is very close to that style of clothes, genre of music and ideology I feel attached to.
But still, Lamentful Miss, Angelica, Dead Scape! Ooooh that is music for you.

I have to mention Art Cube here, if you like Seths vocals. Your here... and Suna to Hana are very beautiful songs.
So as I have now returned to some of the oldest j-bands I have been listening to, I will have to admit that... I... loved Dir en Grey. I found out about them when Withering to Death had just been out. The Final and Kodou are the songs that made me one of those j-rock-idiots. I preferred Dir en Grey's visual kei era, so I didn't really keep following them when they went more... You know. XD
It might be that if I found Dir en Grey today I would actually prefer their newer songs. I have to admit, that band is genious.
Then, D'espairsRay! I loved all the PVC. Thank you for turing me into PVC fanatic, music video of Garnet. Especially Karyu's look in it. It was the time I learned how beautiful more masculine, or should I say bad-ass gothic style, dark kei can be. Then I'm afraid Hizumi's voice couldn't keep up the death vocals and they went a little too pop. The music was still great, but it didn't touch me personally so much anymore.

Whoaaaah, so far so many bands! There is still one I would like to say a bit more than just few words, after that I'll just mention some songs I love.
So the last great inspiration would be no other than Versailles! I saw The Revenant Choir teaser right when it came out, so I'm proud to say that I have been their fan since the beginning! Though I found out about the member's previous work (Kamijo in Lareine and Hizaki's Grace Project) after becoming interested of Versailles... Once again I found a band because I loved the way they looked, way to go me.
What can I say about Versailles? Absolutely elegant, graceful, romantical, all the vampire themes... They are a dream. I also did some Jasmine You cosplay. Oh and Kamijo is a synonyme for Elegance.
My favourites are The Red Carpet Day, The love from a dead Orchestra, God Palace, Zombie... Oh the list could go on and on. Sadly I haven't been following them as actively these days, but still I would say that Versailles is one of my favourite bands.
I still feel like saying someting of SEILEEN, VELVET EDEN, Kanon Wakeshima, SaTaN, Exist Trace and GOLDEN BOMBER (yes, I listen to them)... But I wonder if anyone would bother to read my fangirling any further. XD
So to keep it simple, here's some songs I can't stop listening to.
Kanon Wakeshima - Lolitawork Libretto (I used this as a lolita fashion show opening song.)
VELVET EDEN - Street of Alice (The Russian version is my ring tone!)
SEILEEN - Requiem D-moll (Selia's vocals is too much for normal people to understand... He has to be some kind of mythical creature for sure.)
Exist Trace - Judea (Jyou is soooo cooool.)
BUCK-TICK - ROMANCE (Atsushi comes and steals your soul...)
BLAMHONEY - Artificial Angel (This is addicting, I tell you, ADDICTING!)
After all this babble of Japanese bands I just have to mention KARMIA and Jenlayn! They are Finnish visual styled bands. KARMIA is more wild, darker and heavier. Ecstacy Road is a manificent song from them! I've seen them perform live three times for now, and I definitely want to see more. Jenlayn is maybe more stylish, very cool and impressive. I can't stop listening to Alice and I also hope that they'd release more songs!
By the way, I love Alice's lyrics:
A bird with broken wings
My world's collapsing
I've lost my voice to sing
Future full of nothing
I don't know what to do
Or how to make it through
When all I feel is blue
I need nothing but you

Be my bijou

I feel like Alice
As I'm lost in a dream
A dream with no ending
Darkness and malice
Fade away as you scream
Piercing my imagination
These "fresh" bands really are something I like to listen to when I don't feel like listening my epic favourites. They are a nice change and they give lots of positive energy! Also PLUNKLOCK! Breakout is playing in my head very often...
I feel very fangirlish for feeling so strongly of music and artists. They just give me so much more than just something to fangirl about, they are part of street-style, break from everyday life and an experience of it's own. I admit that sometimes I feel that I'm growing too old to dress like my idol or listen to some gothic music that's enough to make me cry, but for now, I have decided to ignore it. After all, the perception of growing up is comparative!
A cute picture of Ken to end this post:
Thank you for reading!!

sunnuntai 13. toukokuuta 2012

Make-up modelling and going to see D!

Olin viime viikolla kauneusalalla opiskelevan ystäväni meikki-, kampaus- ja kynsinäyttöjen mallina.

Last week I went to my friend's school as she needed a model for her make-up, hair and nail-art exams (she studies in beauty business). 

Kesti oman aikansa totutella uusiin kynsiini. XD

It took some time to get used to my new nails.

Ne ovat ihanat! Hopeiset glitterkärjet, oikean käden etusormessa ja vasemman käden nimetömässä on mustat ruusut sekä vaaleita helmiä.

I love them! There's glitter on the tip of the nail, black roses and white pearls.

Näytön tehtävänantona oli tehdä trendikokonaisuus ja ystäväni valitsi teemaksi "Such a doll" internetissä kuohuneen nukkekeskustelun inspiroimana.

The exam's assignment was to create a trendy look. My friend choose "Such a doll" for her theme, as there has been lots of arguing and talking of dolly look over at the internet.

Rakastin makkarakiharoitani!

I wish I had curly hair naturally.

Seuraavana päivänä tehtävänanto oli luoda päivämeikki joka muutetaan iltameikiksi. Samana iltana oli D'n keikka, joten toivoin jotain keikalle sopivaa meikkiä! Lisäksi ystäväni laittoi taas hiukseni.

The following day the assignment was to create a daily make-up that was to be changed into evening make-up. The same night was the night of D's live performance so I requested something to go with that! My friend also did my hair.

Mekko/dress Baby, the Stars Shine bright
dressu ja sukat/headdress and socks Moi-même-Moitié
kengät/shoes Double Decker
loput random/rest is random

Tapasin myös suloisen Alice and the Piratesiin pukeutuneen lolitan joka oli tullut Ruotsista katsomaan D'tä!

I met a super cute Alice and the Pirates wearing lolita that had come from Sweden to see D!

Kuvat otettu jonosta. 

Pictures taken in the queue. 

Kirjoitan laiskuuttani loput englanniksi, pyydän tätä anteeksi suomenkielisiltä lukijoilta... 

D was stunning, of course. I loved their look, energy, stage performing and all of the members! Asagi was so hot and elegant in his leather dress, Tsunehito looked so cute in his puffy skirt, Hide-zou was naturally very cool and handsome, Ruiza was able to make everyone at the audience smile with him and Hiroki was more charismatic than ever!

They started with Question & Answer. They were requested to say "nyaa" and it was hilarious. Asagi and Hiroki sounded very cute with their girly "nyaas", Tsunehito and Hiroki were like heavy metal singers with their roars and Ruiza was like some pervy otaku's dreamy anime girl. XD Also, someone asked if Hide-zou could sing for us a little. 
Last question was "What would you do at night when yo can't sleep?" and Asagi told us that he pets his cats.

Their performing was outstanding, I haven't felt such an energy for so long from any band! I went so hyper. One of my absolute favourite songs from D is Yami yori kurai douoku no...  -blahblahblah you got the idea- and I was thrilled that they played it.

Listen to it toooo~

Hiroki played a drum solo, it was very powerful! Literally! The audience went crazy during it. 

I was in second row or so in front of Ruiza so I got many hand-shakes and hugs from the band. Though I always tried to pull my hand away when someone approached because I was really scared that I would hurt them with my long nails, but the pressure of the audience was a lot to take, so... ONE OF MY FREAKING ROSES GOT STUCK ON ASAGI'S LACE. I'm so sorry. XD Luckily it came off without hopefully tearing his clothes.

So to end this post, I have to demand you to listen Yami no kuni no Alice as well. Thank you for reading this post!

lauantai 5. toukokuuta 2012

Emilie Autumn

Emilie Autumn visited Finland so of course I had to go and see her. :)

I haven't really been listening to Emilie's music for a while but the glamour and beauty of the performance is something I wanted to enjoy again! The first time I went to see her and the bloody crumpets I was cheering from the first row, getting kisses from them and everything, but this time I decided to stay back and just... watch. xD

The outfits were perfection!

So, long story short, I selected some beautiful pictures for this post! Please enjoy.

All pictures are taken by Askar Ibragimov, see his DeviantArt here.